Direct-to-consumer orthodontic aligners have gained popularity over the years. They provide the same results as the treatment provided by a clinical orthodontist. These are also suggested for convenience and speedy recovery.

The Use of Orthodontic Aligners

Orthodontic aligners can provide effective results in multiple issues. You can align mildly crooked teeth, minimise dental crowding and treat other dental problems. While these aligners can treat most of these issues, some need proper treatment from an experienced orthodontist in Folkestone.

Why You May Face Problems With Your Aligners

Uneven fitting is one of the common issues with these plastic aligners. There are various reasons for this, which are discussed in the following section.

  • Lack of Attachments for Tooth Reshaping

Moving a tooth requires the establishment of handles. These are commonly found in tooth braces. However, in plastic aligners, these handles are known as attachments. The tooth-moving process can be hampered by various factors, including shape and size. The task may become challenging if the orthodontist does not provide any attachments.

  • No In-person Care is Available

Tooth movement is a constantly changing process that needs the assistance of dental experts. As a patient, you must constantly be in touch with a professional orthodontist. Guaranteeing in-person care, they are responsible for evaluating your X-rays, examining your teeth and bite and discussing your concerns. Regular in-person care can guarantee you better progress in delta fitting.

  • No Rubber Bands Were Provided

Orthodontic aligners alone can align the upper and lower arches of your teeth. However, for improved treatment, you may need additional items like elastic rubber bands. The local orthodontics use elastics to improve overbites and underbites. Not having them can delay the dental recovery process.

These are a few reasons you might face problems with your orthodontic aligners. To get them from a trustworthy source, you can contact Cheriton Dental Practice. We are a well-known source with a team of qualified and experienced orthodontics in Folkestone. They can provide you with the best assistance to reposition your teeth, both with aligners and dental treatment. For more information, you can visit our website today.


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